Saturday 29 May 2010


like almost everyone else I’ve not been immune to the iPad hype, as my twitter feed attests. I’ve even vaguely thought of getting one, despite the only iPad I’ve seen so far has been powered down and sitting in a protected sleeve on someone’s desk.

It may be a game changing platform or it may not.  Certainly a number of newspapers are hoping that it will be and that  subscribers will be sufficiently motivated to move online via an iPad.

Take the case of the Australian. Like all the serious Murdoch owned press it is moving its web content behind a paywall. At the same time it is offering iPad users access to the content via its app for $4.99 a month – the cost of three copies of the printed paper.

If one was Machiavellian one might guess that they’re hoping that people who read the paper online will prefer the better experience on the iPad, and then doubtless content via the iPad will creep up in cost, and at the same time make the content available online more and more restricted.

Of course, if like me you like to skim the Australian, the Guardian, the Times, the NYT and the SMH, one’s newspaper addiction becomes a fairly expensive habit …

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